Gun Safety Legislation
2023-2024 Legislative Cycle
The following bills are expected to be voted on the week of May 1, 2023. If you support gun safety legislation, please call Representative Williams Office and ask him to support the bills below. Please note, in 2022, Representative Williams received an “A” rating from the NRA.
If you would like to let Rep. Williams know how you feel about the bills below but are not sure what to say, see our “Call & Email Scripts” section for help!
HB 1018: Establishes an Extreme Risk law, allowing law enforcement, family, or household members to petition a court to temporarily restrict access to firearms by a person in crisis.
HB 714: Expands our state's background check requirement to cover private sales of all firearms.
HB 338: Requires a person to report a lost or stolen firearm. Gun thefts occur in staggering numbers and often divert guns into an underground market where people with dangerous histories are able to easily obtain firearms. Requiring that lost and stolen guns be reported to law enforcement deters illegal gun trafficking.
HB 731: Requires a firearm to be stored securely anytime it is not on the person of the owner or in their immediate control. Securing firearms protects children and adults by preventing unintentional shootings and gun suicides, and can also prevent gun violence at schools by reducing school-age children's access to guns.
2021-2022 Legislative Cycle
SB 565, No Permit Required for Concealed Carry Act
Eliminates the requirement for gun owners to register and secure a concealed carry permit from their local county law enforcement agency.
Craig voted YES
HB 979, Punitive Preemption Act
Amends current preemption legislation to now allow for individuals and any member organization to which they belong, to sue municipalities, townships, and Counties that attempt to enact gun safety legislation over and above state laws.
Craig voted YES
HB770 SUSP RULES, Assault Weapons Ban
A motion was made on the House floor to suspend the rules and immediately bring House Bill 770. HB770 has been languishing in the Judiciary Committee, so a parliamentary procedure, known as a discharge petition, was used to advance this bill, as well as 3 others, out of the Judiciary Committee and bring them up for a vote. The three other bills included HB699 (safe storage), HB1903 (Extreme Risk Protection Orders), and HB1538 (Local Control). Only a suspension of rules for HB770 was voted on. Suspending the rules would allow for a debate and vote on HB770.
Craig voted NO
DISCHARGE RES 5 HB 717, Banning the Sale or the Possession of Assault Weapons for Individuals Under 21
Legislation to prohibit the sale or possession of assault weapons for individuals under the age of 21. Consistent with the minimum age to purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer, or obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon, raising the minimum age for possession of or purchase of an assault weapon will promote safer, more responsible firearm ownership. Members of the armed services would be exempt from this law.
Craig voted NO